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Eat Widget


Want to create a healthier eating environment at home? In this section, you will be linked to resources that will help you plan, shop, cook and gain access to healthy food for all ages from infants to adults.


Want to know how to eat healthy at school? This section will help you make good choices at school and when you snack. Learn how to cook and eat out too!


Do you feel like you work all the time and have no time to pack your own healthy lunches or make a healthy dinner? Think again. This section provides resources to help the employee pack and eat healthfully on a time budget.


What's going on in your community? Look here for announcements of local events that will help you and your family eat better.

Eating Healthy at Work

Quick and Healthy Dinners

Healthy Food Shopping List

Breastfeeding Policies in the Workplace

Information and links to local employers breast feeding policies.